MOMENTS ON FILM MOMENTSof love my best friend, love, and heart the sweetest, kindest,and most beautiful personI’ve had the pleasure of meeting If I had to describewhat love is it’s her MOMENTSof gratitude my mom and dad I’m so thankful to havethese two in my life they’ve always been there for meand willing to support me andmy siblings in every way possible I don’t think I could have askedfor anyone better to bemy mom and dad MOMENTSof happieness siblings my three brothers and sister my older brothers have always been twopeople I’ve looked up to and viewedas my role models it’s been surreal seeing my youngersister and brother grow up four of the best siblingsI could have MOMENTSof friendship my friends I’m fortunate to have grown upwith these guys over the past 10+ years they’re some of the coolest and most funnyguys I’ve ever met I might not be able to see themas often as I’d like, but Iknow we’ll always be friends